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 (Photo by julien Tromeur on Unsplash)  

Bryan Johnson is on a mission to reverse the ageing process and is a self-proclaimed professional rejuvenation athlete

Bryan was an ex tech executive and a multi millionaire.  He previously founded Braintree ( Payment processing company). 

blueprint (

The Mission?

To reverse the aging process in each of Bryans organs to that of an 18 year olds body. The 45 year old has set a $2million dollar anti aging programme called Blueprint. His regimen is monitored by over 30 doctors and aims to measure all 70+ organs of my body and then maximally reverse the quantified biological age of each. As he has quoted,” I am  the most measured man in history”.

What is his workout routine?

Johnson's daily workouts include the same 30 exercises (See list below), He trains 7 days a week for 45 to 60 minutes. He explains that his workouts are designed to slow my speed of aging and maintain optimal health.

Most of the exercises are familiar to the average gym goer but we dived into 5 key exercises that aid his journey to longevity. YouTube

5 Exercises that stood out:

In this article, we will delve into five of Bryan Johnson's unusual exercises and provide a comprehensive coach's guide to performing them effectively.

1. Backwards Sled  The backwards sled walk is a full-body exercise that targets muscles across the posterior chain, including the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. As a coach, here's how to guide your athletes through this challenging yet rewarding exercise:

- Setup: Securely attach a sled to a harness worn by the athlete. Have them stand facing away from the sled, feet shoulder-width apart.

- Technique: Instruct the athlete to lean slightly forward, engaging the core and maintaining a straight back. With arms extended forward, they should begin walking backward, taking controlled and deliberate steps.

- Cues:  Encourage slow and controlled movements to optimize muscle activation.

Pulling a sled backwards - Bryan does 3-4 laps of the backwards sled and takes around a 30 second break between each lap. (Check out our Video on how to do this exercise).

2. Poloquin Step Up:

The Poloquin step up is an effective lower-body exercise that hones in on the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes.

- Setup: Place a bench or step in front of the athlete. They should stand facing the bench with a dumbbell in each hand.

- Technique: Instruct the athlete to step onto the bench with one foot, driving through the heel to lift their body. The opposite knee should drive upwards. Lower the same foot back down with control.

- Cues: Encourage pushing through the heel for maximal muscle engagement, keeping the chest up, and maintaining a controlled tempo throughout the movement.

Bryan states in the Video how he learned this from Ben Patrick “ ATG programme" creator of the Knee Over Toes. Bryan performs x3 sets of 10 on each side whilst holding dumbbells.

3. Nordic Hamstring Curl:

The Nordic hamstring curl is a challenging bodyweight exercise that specifically targets the hamstrings.

- Setup: Secure the athlete's lower legs under a stable surface or have a partner hold their ankles. They should kneel on a soft surface with the hips fully extended.

- Technique: Instruct the athlete to slowly lower their upper body towards the ground, maintaining a straight line from the knees to the head. They should use their hamstrings to control the descent. 

- Cues: Encourage a gradual progression to full unassisted repetitions.

Bryan states in the Video “ these are very hard!”. We agree!

4. Split Squat:

The split squat is a unilateral lower-body exercise that enhances leg strength and stability. 

- Setup: Have the athlete stand in a staggered stance, with one foot in front of the other. A barbell or dumbbells can be held at their sides or on their shoulders.

- Technique: By lowering the back knee towards the ground while maintaining an upright torso. The front knee should form  past a 90-degree angle. Push through the toes to return to the starting position.

- Cues: Keep the core engaged throughout the exercise.

Bryan holds 20lbs Dumbbells in each hand.

5. Tibialis Raise:

The tibialis raise targets the muscles along the front of the shin, promoting lower leg strength and injury prevention. (Check out our Video on this).

- Setup: Have the athlete sit on a bench, feet hanging off the edge. A Tib Bar can be placed on top of their feet.

- Technique: Instruct the athlete to flex their feet, raising their toes towards their shins as high as possible. Lower the feet back down with control.

- Cues: Emphasize the importance of controlled movement, engaging the muscles along the front of the shin, and performing the exercise in a pain-free range of motion.

Tips from Bryan is he likes to put a towel at the end of the bench. He states in his video " I appreicate this exercise as without this exercise it is very hard to get too". Bryan trains with 25lbs on the Tib Bar.