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ATG stands for Athletics Truth Group and was developed by Ben Patrick (famously known as “Knees Over Toes Guy”).  ATG training focuses on building strength and conditioning while simultaneously bullet proofing the body from injury and develops incredible athletic ability.

To get the most out of this style of programming calls for a strong foundation, and what better way to start than with your very own ATG home gym? This article is your comprehensive guide to crafting a basic ATG home gym. 

There are a wide range of exercises within this ATG programme. However, there are specific muscles that are very hard to isolate without specific equipment. We formulated a short list of key equipment required in our opinion at the Tib Bros to get started.


The Basics Required for Your ATG Home Gym

  1. Tib Bar: Elevating Lower Leg Strength

The Tib Bar forms the basis for a strong lower leg foundation, reducing the risk of issues like shin splints. This muscle is very difficult to target without this piece of equipment.

  1. Nordic Hamstring Curls Strap: Balance Injury Prevention and Strength Building

Nordic Hamstring Curls are the backbone of ATG training, providing a powerful blend of injury prevention and lower body strength development within the hamstring. To eccentrically train the hamstring is again vey difficult to target without this piece of equipment.

  1. Barbell/ Dumbbells: The Versatile Centrepiece

The barbell is the cornerstone of a robust ATG home gym, allowing for a diverse range of workouts to achieve your fitness goals. Allow you to perform ATG exercises such as: Poliquin Step Up , ATG Split Squat, and the VMO Squat

For the full list of exercises please see the ATG Programme.


In building a strong ATG home gym, the Tib Bar, Nordic Hamstring Curl setup, and the versatile barbell are your fundamental tools recommended by the Tib Bros. These basics form the backbone of your fitness regimen, targeting specific muscle groups hard to target without, whilst enhancing your overall strength and athletic prowess.