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In a remarkable display of determination, Guy Locke (The Tib Bros Ambassador) is embarking on a journey that stretches the limits of human endurance, all for a noble cause. He's set out to run nearly a marathon a day for 30 days straight, covering an astonishing 631 miles / scaling over 35,000m of elevation (think of climbing up and down Mount Everest FOUR times) through the beautiful landscapes of the Southwest United Kingdom. His mission? To raise awareness and funds for Papyrus, a charity dedicated to preventing young suicide.
  • The Man Behind the Mission
Meet Guy, the intrepid runner who has taken on this extraordinary challenge. With a passion for long-distance running and a heartfelt commitment to mental health awareness, Guy decided to merge his two passions in a way that would capture the public's attention and make a lasting impact. Running nearly 26 miles every day for a month is no small feat, but Guy's determination is unwavering, fuelled by his personal connection to the cause.
“Back in 2013 Guy’s lovely Mum Ali took her own life after struggling with her mental health. November 2023 marks 10 years since Ali passed away, a very significant anniversary for Guy, his family, and everybody who knew and loved Ali.” - Website Link.
Papyrus is a UK-based charity dedicated to preventing young suicide. They provide invaluable support, resources, and outreach to young people struggling with their mental health. The organization's mission aligns perfectly with Guy's goal of raising awareness and funds for mental health support. -  helpline, HOPELINE247.
  • Preparing for the Challenge
Guy's preparation for this monumental challenge has been nothing short of intense. He has spent months training, including numerous trail runs across the UK's picturesque landscapes. These runs have allowed him to acclimate to various terrains and conditions he may encounter during his epic journey. - See his Instagram.
We checked in with Guy last week. His training has consisted of Ultra Marathons in Snowdonia, PT sessions and has slowly built up his mileage since April.
  • Our Company's Commitment
At The Tib Bros, we believe in making a difference beyond our products and services. When we learned about Guy's remarkable endeavor and his support for Papyrus, we knew we had to get involved. Not only have we offered financial support to his cause, but we've also provided him with cutting-edge equipment to help protect him from the common runner's ailment known as shin splints. The "Tib Bar," a device designed to reduce the risk of shin splints, has been an essential part of Guy's training regimen in preventing injury arising. I will also be running a couple of days on the legs with Guy to support him on his journey.
  • Spreading Awareness
Beyond the physical challenge, Guy's run is a platform for spreading awareness about the critical issue of young suicide. With every stride, he hopes to start conversations, break down stigmas, and encourage more people to seek help when they need it. Papyrus's work is vital, and Goal's dedication to their cause is making a significant impact. If he can run 24 marathons and climb four Everest’s in a month, you can get up and do whatever you set your mind to as well.